The Premium Distributor Your Business Is Looking For

Our Premier Distributor Certifications

Our products include Tier 1 ZnShine Panels, Hoymiles microinverters, Chiko Racking, and much more!

We have established connections to get you the best pricing and service on these products!

A Better Way to Grow Your Business

We can help every business in some way, ask us about other ways we can help you including:


Banking/loan products – Engineering/design services – BOS pricing – Distribution planning – Training assistance.


We now have 7 different warehouse locations across America. We keep the process simple and easy, we come up with solutions when others can’t, and you can expect our service to be market-leading. 

The average installer saves 18% on their total job cost after switching to our products!

Seven Warehouse Locations and Growing

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Fill out the form below!

Text or Call: (509) 551-2634


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